Man's Premium (Standard) Body Check P3
Purchase the Premium (Standard)P3 Body Check Plan can enjoy a discounted price of $3,808
Man's Premium (Standard) Body Check P3 MML-WEB-MP3Total items:108-111items | |
Physical Examination Checking of body weight and blood pressure to understand the risk of diabetes, cardiovascular disease and other diseases 6 items | |
Medical History Assessment Form | |
Blood Pressure | |
Pulse | |
Weight | |
Height | |
Body Mass Index | |
Body Compostion Judging the actual age of body 17 items | |
Total Body Water (TBW) | |
Protein | |
Minerals | |
Body Fat Mass (BFM) | |
Skeletal Muscle Mass (SMM) | |
Percent Body Fat (PBF) | |
Segmental Lean Analysis | |
Segmental Fat Analysis | |
Weight Control Guideline | |
Obesity Evaluation | |
Waist-Hip Ratio | |
Visceral Fat Level | |
Fat Free Mass (FFM) | |
Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) | |
Obesity Degree | |
Recommended Calorie Intake | |
Calorie Expenditure of Exercise | |
Complete Blood Picture Screening for anemia, leukemia and underlying hematological diseases 14 items | |
Blood White Cells | |
Blood Red Cells | |
Hemoglobin | |
PCV / HCT | |
MCV | |
MCH | |
MCHC | |
Platelet | |
Neutophils | |
Lymphocytes | |
Monocytes | |
Eosinophils | |
Basophils | |
Blood Smear | |
Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate A faster-than-normal rate may indicate inflammation in the body 1 item | |
Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate | |
Blood Lipids Assessing for cholesterol and liquid disorders and for risk assessment of cardiovascular diseases 6 items | |
Cholesterol, Total | |
Triglycerides | |
Cholesterol, HDL | |
Cholesterol, LDL | |
Cholesterol, VLDL | |
Total Lipid | |
Iron Lack of iron can lead to anemia, fatigue and decreased immunity 1 item | |
Iron | |
Urinalysis Screening for proteinuria, hematuria, glycosuria, infection or inflammatory disease in renal system, renal stone and any potential renal disease 14 items | |
Urine Color | |
Urine SG | |
Urine Appearance | |
Urine pH | |
Urine Protein | |
Urine Sugar | |
Urine Bilirubin | |
Urine Urobilinogen | |
Urine Nitrite | |
Urine Ketone | |
Urine Blood/RBC | |
Urine WBC/Pus | |
Urine Mucus | |
Urine Casts | |
Stool Test MML-WEB-F8E 2 items | |
Stool Analysis Screening for ova and parasite | |
Stool Occult Blood Occult blood can be a sign of a problem in your digestive system, such as intestinal bleeding, polyp, or cancer in the colon or rectum | |
Liver Function Assessment for liver disorders e.g. indications of fatty liver, chronic hepatitis and other liver diseases 11 items | |
Alanine Aminotransferase, ALT/SGPT | |
Aspartate Aminotransferase, AST/SGOT | |
Total Protein | |
Albumin | |
Globulin | |
A/G Ratio | |
Total Bilirubin | |
Direct Bilirubin | |
Indirect Bilirubin | |
Gamma Glutamyl Transferase | |
Alkaline Phosphatase Total, ALP | |
Liver Function Assessment for liver disorders e.g. indications of fatty liver, chronic hepatitis and other liver diseases 4 items | |
HBsAb Screening for immunity of Hepatitis B | |
HBsAg Screening for carrier of Hepatitis B | |
HAV Total Screening for immunity of Hepatitis A | |
AST/ALT Ratio | |
Cardiovascular Risk Assessment 3 item | |
Lactic dehydrogenase (LDH) | |
Myoglobin | |
Resting ECG | |
Blood Sugar Level An indicator of pre-diabetes and diabetes 2 item | |
Blood Sugar | |
HBA1C | |
Metabolic Damage 3 items | |
Creatine Kinase(CK) Monitoring of myocardial infarction and muscle diseases | |
Uric acid Screening for gout | |
Magnesium Screening for rheumatoid arthritis | |
Inflammation index 1 item | |
CRP Inflammation can be caused by infection, injury, or chronic disease | |
Hepatic Fibrosis Hepatic fibrosis index examination is an assessment of the degree of liver fibrosis in chronic liver disease 1 items | |
Homocysteine | |
Stomach function 1 items | |
H Pylori Antibody Helicobacter pylori has close relationship to cause chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer, gastric cancer and gastric lymphoma | |
Kidney function 3 items | |
Creatinine Measures the level of creatinine in blood to estimate how well the kidney can filter waste | |
Urea Determines the level of urea nitrogen in the blood. Elevated levels of serum urea can be a sign of kidney disease, liver disease or dehydration | |
Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate (eGFR) Access kidney health | |
Pancreas function Access the bone health 2 items | |
Fasting Insulin | |
Bone Access the bone health 3 items | |
Calcium | |
PO4 | |
Magnesium | |
Tumor Markers(group A) 2 items | |
Carcinoembryonic Antigen, CEA To identify the risk of having colorectal cancer | |
Alpha Feto Protein, AFP To identify the risk of having liver cancer | |
Tumor Markers(group B) 4 items | |
Prostatic Specific Antigen, Total (PSA-t) To identify the risk of having prostate cancer | |
EBV Antibody To identify the risk of having nasopharyngeal cancer | |
CA72.4 Uses in the detection and tracking of stomach cancer | |
CA199 A test for pancreatic cancer patient to follow up the situtation | |
Tumor Markers(group C) 2 items | |
β2-Microglobulin Evaluation of inflammatory diseases (eg, rheumatoid arthritis, SLE) or lymphoproliferative disorders (eg, lymphocytic leukemia, multiple myeloma, beta-cell myeloma) | |
SCC,Squamous cell carcinoma Evaluation of squamous cell carcinoma (such as esophageal cancer, head and neck cancer, oral cancer, skin cancer, pharynx, larynx, etc.)ultrasound | |
Ultrasounds 5 groups choose 1 group | |
Ultrasound of Prostate & Bladder (2 items) Screening disease of Prostate and bladder | |
Ultrasound of Upper Abdomen (Hepatobiliary System) Screening disease of liver and gall bladder | |
Ultrasoundof Upper Abdomen (Kidney, Pancreas & Spleen) Screening disease of kidneys, pancreatic and spleen | |
Ultrasound of Carotid IMT Screening disease of Carotid IMT (Both Sides) | |
Ultrasound of Thyroid Can assess the risk of thyroid nodules | |
Metabolic Health Index 1 item | |
Metabolic Health Plan | |
Explanation of medical report 1 item | |
Explanation of medical report | |
Nutritionist Assessment 1 item | |
Nutritionist Assessment |
Available Options
HKD$8,580 HKD$3,808 |
Tags: 最新優惠, 最新优惠, Latest Offer, 男士體檢, 男士体检, Male Plans