Purchase the Premium (Standard)P1 Body Check Plan can enjoy a discounted price of $2,728
Man's Premium (Standard) Body Check P1 MML-WEB-MP1Total items:97-99items | |
Physical Examination Checking of body weight and blood pressure to understand the risk of diabetes, cardiovascular disease and other diseases
6 items |
Medical History Assessment Form | |
Blood Pressure | |
Pulse | |
Weight | |
Height | |
Body Mass Index | |
Body Compostion Judging the actual age of body
17 items |
Total Body Water (TBW) | |
Protein | |
Minerals | |
Body Fat Mass (BFM) | |
Skeletal Muscle Mass (SMM) | |
Percent Body Fat (PBF) | |
Segmental Lean Analysis | |
Segmental Fat Analysis | |
Weight Control Guideline | |
Obesity Evaluation | |
Waist-Hip Ratio | |
Visceral Fat Level | |
Fat Free Mass (FFM) | |
Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) | |
Obesity Degree | |
Recommended Calorie Intake | |
Calorie Expenditure of Exercise | |
Complete Blood Picture Screening for anemia, leukemia and underlying hematological diseases
14 items |
Blood White Cells | |
Blood Red Cells | |
Hemoglobin | |
PCV / HCT | |
MCV | |
MCH | |
MCHC | |
Platelet | |
Neutophils | |
Lymphocytes | |
Monocytes | |
Eosinophils | |
Basophils | |
Blood Smear | |
Blood Lipids Assessing for cholesterol and liquid disorders and for risk assessment of cardiovascular diseases
6 items |
Cholesterol, Total | |
Triglycerides | |
Cholesterol, HDL | |
Cholesterol, LDL | |
Cholesterol, VLDL | |
Total Lipid | |
Iron Lack of iron can lead to anemia, fatigue and decreased immunity
1 item |
Iron | |
Urinalysis Screening for proteinuria, hematuria, glycosuria, infection or inflammatory disease in renal system, renal stone and any potential renal disease
14 items |
Urine Color | |
Urine SG | |
Urine Appearance | |
Urine pH | |
Urine Protein | |
Urine Sugar | |
Urine Bilirubin | |
Urine Urobilinogen | |
Urine Nitrite | |
Urine Ketone | |
Urine Blood/RBC | |
Urine WBC/Pus | |
Urine Mucus | |
Urine Casts | |
Stool Test MML-WEB-F8E
2 items |
Stool Analysis Screening for ova and parasite
Stool Occult Blood Occult blood can be a sign of a problem in your digestive system, such as intestinal bleeding, polyp, or cancer in the colon or rectum
Liver Function Assessment for liver disorders e.g. indications of fatty liver, chronic hepatitis and other liver diseases
11 items |
Alanine Aminotransferase, ALT/SGPT | |
Aspartate Aminotransferase, AST/SGOT | |
Total Protein | |
Albumin | |
Globulin | |
A/G Ratio | |
Total Bilirubin | |
Direct Bilirubin | |
Indirect Bilirubin | |
Gamma Glutamyl Transferase | |
Alkaline Phosphatase Total, ALP | |
Liver Function Assessment for liver disorders e.g. indications of fatty liver, chronic hepatitis and other liver diseases
2 items |
HBsAb Screening for immunity of Hepatitis B
HBsAg Screening for carrier of Hepatitis B
Cardiovascular Risk Assessment
3 item |
Lactic dehydrogenase (LDH) | |
Myoglobin | |
Resting ECG | |
Blood Sugar Level An indicator of pre-diabetes and diabetes
2 item |
Blood Sugar | |
HBA1C | |
Metabolic Damage
3 items |
Creatine Kinase(CK) Monitoring of myocardial infarction and muscle diseases
Uric acid Screening for gout
Magnesium Screening for rheumatoid arthritis
Stomach function
1 items |
H Pylori Antibody Helicobacter pylori has close relationship to cause chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer, gastric cancer and gastric lymphoma
Kidney function
2 items |
Creatinine Measures the level of creatinine in blood to estimate how well the kidney can filter waste
Urea Determines the level of urea nitrogen in the blood. Elevated levels of serum urea can be a sign of kidney disease, liver disease or dehydration
Pancreas function Access the bone health
2 items |
Fasting Insulin | |
Bone Access the bone health
3 items |
Calcium | |
PO4 | |
Magnesium | |
Tumor Markers(group A)
2 items |
Carcinoembryonic Antigen, CEA To identify the risk of having colorectal cancer
Alpha Feto Protein, AFP To identify the risk of having liver cancer
Tumor Markers(group B)
2 items |
Prostatic Specific Antigen, Total (PSA-t) To identify the risk of having prostate cancer
EBV Antibody To identify the risk of having nasopharyngeal cancer
5 groups choose 1 group |
Ultrasound of Prostate & Bladder (2 items) Screening disease of Prostate and bladder
Ultrasound of Upper Abdomen (Hepatobiliary System) Screening disease of liver and gall bladder
Ultrasoundof Upper Abdomen (Kidney, Pancreas & Spleen) Screening disease of kidneys, pancreatic and spleen
Ultrasound of Carotid IMT Screening disease of Carotid IMT (Both Sides)
Ultrasound of Thyroid Can assess the risk of thyroid nodules
Metabolic Health Index
1 item |
Metabolic Health Plan | |
Explanation of medical report
1 item |
Explanation of medical report | |
Nutritionist Assessment
1 item |
Nutritionist Assessment |
Available Options
HKD$6,680 |
Tags: 男士體檢, 男士体检, Male Plans